The problem related to my Hakone Ekiden.
I watch 'Hakone Ekiden' every year but not real time. I will see it after I have finished my work.
Hakone Ekiden is japanease traditional Race which 15 universities will participate and the runner runs round trip between Tokyo and kanagawa whitch divides into 10 section.
i have a frend who contact during ekiden term.
She is watching it on live.
I want to talk about it on real time by chat. but I can't. Because I have to go caffe which I can study some task in.
I can't even contact her. Because there is possibilty that I will know the result of the race unintentionally.
This problem will continue in the future.
I think of her every year.
・しずかなインターネット kenjimorita
・インド旅 instagram
・適当な日常写真 instagram
・シュールさーん instagram
・シュールさーん LINEスタンプ