バックエンド– tag –
【Apache】httpd: Could not reliably determine the server’s fully qualified domain name, using kenjimorita-MacBook-Pro.local. Set the ‘ServerName’ directive globally to suppress this message
httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using kenjimorita-MacBook-Pro.local. Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message vim /etc/hosts https://stackoverflow.com/questions/954146... -
【Spring-Boot】Error対処[Failed to execute goal org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin:1.3.3.RELEASE:run (default-cli) on project moriboot: Execution default-cli of goal org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin:1.3.3.RELEASE:run failed: Unable to find a single main class from the following candidates [com.example.App, com.example.app.Application] -> [Help 1]]
Failed to execute goal org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin:1.3.3.RELEASE:run (default-cli) on project moriboot: Execution default-cli of goal org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin:1.3.3.RELEASE:run failed: Unabl... -
【Spring-Boot】mvn spring-boot: runを実行したらCould not find goal ” in plugin org.springframework.boot:と出た場合
【Spring-Boot】mvn spring-boot: runを実行したらCould not find goal '' in plugin org.springframework.boot:と出た場合 mvn spring-boot: run を mvn spring-boot:run で実行してみてください -
Spring Boot-Scala
Spring Boot Spring Boot やっつける。やっつけてやるからな annotationとかちょっとAngular2っぽいし まってろscala (カップルがいちゃついてるぜ泣) -
Cone of volume using the OOP of php
Cone of volume using the OOP of php using accesser method,property, [php] <?php class Cone1{ const PI = 3.14; private $radius; private $height; public function setRadius($base){ $this->radius = $base; } public function setHeight($h... -
Java, how to create class,remaind
[java] pacage jp.co.example.java15; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args){ for (int testNumber = 2; testNumber <= 100; testNumber++){ boolean isPrimeNumber = true;//mathtic for (int i = 2; i < testNumber; i++) ... -
2日前までwebデザインの知識しかなかった芸人がサーバー構築して「サーバー構築芸人」になった話 AWS_Viso2 posted by (C)kanpan わたしは算数、数学も苦手なのですが今日ミニマムでサーバー構築ができました。嬉しい。 今理解できた知識はほんの一部なん...