[解決 TypeScript x Redux] Type '{}' is missing the following properties from type 'stateName': [propertyname], and 5 more
TypeScript error in /Users/morita.kenji/Desktop/jbca-client/src/redux/index.ts(170,69):
Type 'Reducer<{ router: RouterState; createAppWizard: CreateAppWizardState; cloneAppWizard: CloneAppWizardState; me: UserWithRole; appBasicSettings: AppBasicSettings; appInfoManager: AppInfoManagerState; ... 23 more ...; usersPresenter: UsersPresenterState; }, AnyAction>' is not assignable to type 'Reducer<State, LocationChangeAction>'.
Type '{ router: RouterState; createAppWizard: CreateAppWizardState; cloneAppWizard: CloneAppWizardState; me: UserWithRole; appBasicSettings: AppBasicSettings; appInfoManager: AppInfoManagerState; ... 23 more ...; usersPresenter: UsersPresenterState; }' is not assignable to type 'State'.
Types of property 'adminDetail' are incompatible.
Type '{}' is missing the following properties from type 'AdminUserDetailState': user, firstName, lastName, firstNameKana, and 5 more.
A compilation error occurred when creating a reducer
i check intialState and reducer
This problem is due to the difference between the types of state and initial state that are passed to reducer's arguments. Check if there is any property key missing or wrong name
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